Older Toddler Child Care Program | Allentown PA, Lehigh Valley | LVCC - Lehigh Valley Children's Centers, Inc.

Older Toddler Program

(25 months to 36 months)

Older toddlers are driven by curiosity and are eager to investigate their world. LVCC provides supportive and stimulating environments that nurture children's curiosity and help your two-year-old learn about their expanding world. Older toddlers engage in activities that support their emerging independence, expand on their vocabulary, increase creativity, cooperate with others, and build self-confidence. Toilet learning begins when parents and teachers agree a child is ready, based on the child's observable behavior and interests.

   Guided Interactions with Peers

   Vocabulary-Driven Activities             

   Caring and Nurturing Staff

   Vibrant and Educationally-Based Classroom Setup


LVCC - Older Toddler Program

Our Teachers

Teachers in the Older Toddler classroom work with children daily to create a schedule that helps promote consistent learning and expectations within the classroom.  Children learn self-regulation and peer to peer interaction skills by working with teachers to increase verbal and social skills.   Teachers work hand-in-hand with families to promote increased vocabulary and self-help skills. Teachers in the Older Toddler room take a step back to help children guide the direction of learning.  

LVCC - Older Toddler Program

Our Classrooms

Our Toddler classrooms are filled with materials to allow your child to explore, learn and socialize.  Interactive learning centers allow for dramatic (pretend) play experiences, fine and gross motor play, math, science, music and art, to just to name a few!   The classroom set-up allows children to become independent and active learners. Teachers assist the exploration of learning centers, help facilitate new social skills, and provide experiences that build independence and self-confidence.

Creative Curriculum

Daily activities are created according to Pennsylvania State Learning Standards to ensure that all areas of development for each child are met and assessed through daily observations and interactions.  The Creative Curriculum offers children opportunities for hands-on exploration and discovery that help develop lifelong critical thinking skills and build confidence. By using the Creative Curriculum, teachers are given the tools they need to encourage and support all learners in a high-quality educational environment. 

Learning Through Play

We believe that children make sense of the world around them through play that is open-ended and child-initiated. Play helps children strengthen their language skills, and foster physical, social-emotional, and cognitive abilities. While children are engaged in play, our teachers play an important role in scaffolding and providing intentional interactions to further each child’s natural ability to learn through exploration. 

LVCC - Older Toddler Program

LVCC - Older Toddler Program
Building Friendships and Social Skills

We help children learn conflict resolution and promote self-regulation by creating predictable environments and schedules, providing consistency in the classroom, and giving plenty of opportunities to interact with their teachers and peers.