Children are selected for the upcoming school year during the spring. LVCC accepts applications year round. We select children based on age, income, developmental delays, and other risk factors. Priority is based on need and not a first-come, first serve process.
PA Pre-K Counts Enrollment Events 2025
Pre-K Enrollment Registry Form
1. Click the link and complete the Pre-K Counts 2025-2026 Enrollment Registry form.
Haga clic en el enlace y complete el formulario de registro de inscripción de Pre-K Counts 2025-2026.
2. Once you complete this, you will receive a confirmation email a few days before the event you selected with further instructions such as the address, what to bring along and the time to come.
Una vez que complete esto, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación unos días antes del evento que seleccionó con más instrucciones, como la dirección, qué traer y la hora de asistir.
3. You should bring these supporting documents with you:
Debe traer estos documentos de respaldo con usted: