Child Care/Early Learning Center | Tracy School Easton PA | LVCC - Lehigh Valley Children's Centers, Inc.

Tracy School

LVCC Tracy School - Easton PA

Keystone STARS
2 Star Rating Achieved

LVCC - Tracy School - Keystone Stars Ranking - Easton, PA

Our Tracy Elementary location offers before- and after-school care for children, grades K-5, enrolled in Tracy Elementary School in the Easton Area School District (EASD). The school-age program offers a safe, fun, and engaging environment to start or end the school day. The program operates from 7:00 am until school, and then again from dismissal of school (including early dismissals) until 6:00 pm.

The center is conveniently located within the school, providing an easy transition between classrooms.  We offer daily gross motor play, either outdoors on the spacious playground area or in the gym indoors. We also offer a variety of engaging activities daily, including science, technology, math, building, art, and games, as well as homework support.  Meeting your growing child’s nutritional needs, LVCC provides a healthy breakfast and afternoon snack.           

LVCC at Tracy School

1243 Tatamy Rd.
Easton, PA 18045



7:00 am - 9:00 am

11:45 am - 6:00 pm 

Center Director

Alice Coughlin

School-Age Program
SCHOOL AGE  LVCC | School Age Program | Tracy School | Easton, PA
